Monday, September 24, 2012

Scream for your life!: Thoughts on Edvard Munch's Scream

Hey Nerds,
Today I want to talk about one of my favorite piece of art work. I don't think there's anyone who doesn't know Norwegian famous artist Edvard Munch's Scream painting. I know you guys out there who didn't know artist's name or this works' name but seen this art somewhere right?
I always adored this painting. I even copied my own version in color pencils.
I first saw this work while watching MTV Asia(I believe in 2000's). This was one of the show ad in MTV Asia channel. I tried to find that small ad but can't seem to find it. I always fascinated by that ad whenever it airs.
And later I saw this on my 8th grade art textbook. That's the first time I knew who the artist was and what work of art is. Since then I forever obsessed with this work. I even collected framed copy of the painting, book, magnet and bag. I really relate to this art for many reasons. I tell you that later. But before that let's dig more about this art work first.

Too obsessed with Scream

So I did little research on my favorite piece of painting. Edvard Munch was considered Expressionist artist. The works originally titled Der Schrei der Natur which translates from German "The Scream of Nature". Edvard Munch did four versions of this art work but with lithograph work you may say he did five different versions of this painting. All versions were created during 1893 to 1910. There are two version of Scream created in 1893. Experts debated on which one is first version. I'm not expert but personally I think tempera version is first one.

Scream (1893) Crayon on cardboard; Scream (1893) Oil, tempera on cardboard

Scream (1893) Oil, tempera on cardboard

This is the well known and most famous version of Scream (1983).
Oil, tempera and pastel on cardboard.
Size: 91x73.5cm
Location: National Gallery, Oslo, Norway
Facts:  The most famous version of Scream. Considered complete version. Edvard Munch created lithograph version of this painting in 1895.

His diary written in 1892 contains explanation of this work. "I was out walking with two friends - the sun began to set-suddenly the sky turned blood red - I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on a fence - there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city - my friends walked on and I still stood, trembling with fear - and I sensed an end-less scream passing through Nature."

Scream (1893) Crayon on cardboard

Scream (1893) Crayon on cardboard

 This is the second(or maybe first?) version created in year 1893.
Crayon on cardboard,
Size: Unknown
Location: The National Gallery, Oslo, Norway

Facts: This version is consider work less finished than the others. The colors looked more washed out.
This version was stolen from National Gallery in 1994. Thefts left note saying "Thanks for the poor security". Hmm lucky basterd haha. And it recovered two months later.

Scream (1895) Pastel on board

Scream (1895) Pastel on board

This is the third version of Scream created in 1895.  
Size: 79x59cm
Location: Leon Black's private collection, USA
Facts: In May, 2012 American businessman Leon Black purchased pastel version for $119.9 million from Sotherby's auction. Set the new world record for single work of art at auction. Previously owned by Norwegian businessman Petter Olsen, whose father Thomas was a friend, neighbor and patron of Munch.
I heard this version of painting will go on public view for six months starting from October 2012 at The Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan, New York City. Another excuse to go to New York :P

Scream (1895) Lithograph

Scream (1895) Lithograph

The lithograph version of 1983 version of Scream. 
Lithograph in black on cream card.
Size: 51x38.5cm
Location: Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY, USA

Scream (1910) Tempera on board

Scream (1910) tempera on board

The fourth version was created in 1910.
Size: 83.5x66cm
Location: Munch Museum, Oslo, Norway
Facts: Some Munch historians believe that Edvard Munch created this version as a replica after selling 1893 version of Scream.
This piece was stolen from Munch Museum in 2004 and recovered slightly damaged in 2006.  

As I mentioned earlier for many reasons I really relate to this art. I understand how he suddenly very felt very anxious, exhausted and saw nature turned blood red. And he wanted to scream. I read Edvard Munch struggled bipolar disorder which has excessive mood swings and his close family members had manic depression(bipolar disorder). His mood swings clearly seen in his other works. I know I don't have bipolar disorder or depression. I always had full happy life and great family. I don't know why but I'm just naturally shy, quiet and anxious person. Sometimes I just want to go away far far away. But then I realized wherever you go, your anxiety will still there. I always told myself "You have get over it no matter what". That was always biggest challenge for me. I still working on that. Maybe at that time Edvard Munch felt same thing too. If Edvard Munch gone through his weakness and created such masterpiece why can't I get over it right? After all we're all humans.  Do you guys have fear of something?

I don't want to end my post with my sad anxious story. So here is little painting? umm drawing I did back in 2010. Here it is to cheer you all nerds up. My replica version of Scream. It's colored pencil on paper. Hope you all like it :)
Edvard Munch Scream replica (2010) Colored pencil on paper. by Bindi Enkh-Amgalan

Let's get over our fears and live happily ever after.

Updated on Aug 02, 2014: So I just edited this post from 2012 because thanks to Picasa Web for deleting some of my blog pictures! Thanks for nothing Google. Anyways I came across interesting article about Scream painting location. Here is the blog post Pop Spots by Bob Egan
So the actual location is road called "Valhallveien" in Ekeberg Hill, Ekeberg south neighbourhood of Oslo, Norway.

Can we go to Oslo, Norway and pose like this guy and Scream? Added to bucket list ;)


Friday, September 21, 2012

My first ever "business" card

Hey Nerds,
I hope everyone know about About.Me right? It's like collection of all your social networking sites. Mine is I don't know since when, but they started working with site called And they offer free personal card based on your about me pages. I got so interested (since I am obsessed with social network) I ordered my card two weeks ago. It's free but you have to pay shipping fee. And they came today! OMG! AWESOMENESS! Check this out.

My card is also printed in eco-friendly paper how cool is that? I can honestly say that these cards are way better and cheaper than the other business card printing places out there. Looks like aside from business cards have personalized stickers!!!!(OMG), postcards and accessories too. Can't wait to order more.  

-Nerd B

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Batman: The Killing Joke Review

Batman: The Killing JokeBatman: The Killing Joke by Alan Moore
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Comparing to previous comics that I read it showed a little background of Joker's. I took one star off because they missed Joker's scar. Alan what were you thinking? That smiling scar is like Joker's signature stuff. And I didn't quite get that water scene. What did happened to him and why he's crying blood? Well overall it was very good drawn and well organized comic. Before reading Killing Joke, I read Arkham Asylum and it was just perfect to pick up after that. 4 stars!

View all my reviews

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger review

The Devil Wears PradaThe Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I watched the movie first and liked it and then considered reading the book. And I actually liked Miranda. I think Andy was too ignorant. Since it's her job, she better shut her mouth and do the job. She just whines too much and I don't like her for that. Personally I never been in fashion industry but I bet its dirty, glamorous and interesting job. I would kill for Andy's job even though Miranda was such a hard cookie. For some reason Miranda kind of reminds of Kelly Cutrone "The PR in fashion industry". I just assumed Kelly Cutrone is more like Miranda not Anna Wintour. Overall it was good book worth reading.

View all my reviews

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Batman: Year One Review

Batman: Year OneBatman: Year One by Frank Miller
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My first ever Batman comic that I read. Pretty awesome! I'm glad I started from Frank Miller's version. Because I never see Batman as funny. This is serious serious business people! Really like the dark tone of it.

View all my reviews

Batman: Arkham Asylum Review

Batman: Arkham AsylumBatman: Arkham Asylum by Grant Morrison
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Met the villains of Batman At Arkham Asylum. Illustrations were amazing. It feels like pages are screaming at you or splashing blood over your face. I discovered that The Joker is super insane. He was just born to be villain.

View all my reviews

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Batman-ийн фэнүүд наашаа


Арай гэж нэг юм Christopher Nolan-ий Batman цувралын хамгийн "сүүлийнх" (Ноён Нолан одоогийн байдлаар дахиж Batman-ий кино хийнэ гэж яриагүй л байна. Хэн мэдэхэв дахиад байгаа ч юм билүү) The Dark Knight Rises-г өчигдөр очиж үзлээ. Би зөвхөн The Dark Knight-ийг үзсэн байсан л да. The Dark Knight Rises-ийг нээлтээ хийхээс өмнө Batman Begins, The Dark Knight 2-ийг нь үзчихээд үзнэ дээ гээд бодож байсийм бас ядаж байхад нэг нөхөр кино театр дүүрэн хүн буудцан болохоор нэг хэсэгтээ л кино театр ормооргүй санагдаад... За за ямарчил байсан 3 Batman-ийг 3ууланг нь үзсэн. Яг л бусад хүмүүстэй адилхан амаа ангайгаад л үзсэн дээ. Гайхалтай болсон байна гэхээс өөр одоо юу гэхэв. Анх Anne Hathaway-ийг Catwoman-д тоглоно гэж сонсоод Юу вэ?! Catwoman-д Hollywood-ийн хамгийн секси жүжигчин тоглох ёстой гээд уур хүрсэн гэж. Гэхдээ миний буруу байсан байна лэ. Anne Hathaway, Christian Bale 2? Бурхан минь гэж яаж ийм секси хүмүүсийг олоод нэг кинонд хос болгоод тоглуулчдаг байнаа. Өшөө Batman Catwoman 2-ийн романтик хэсэгүүд байсан ч болоосой. хахаха

Хорон санаатны хувьд Уучлаарай Bane хөгшөөн эсвэл тэр Talia Al Ghul (Bit*h, Take your hands off my Batman! You don't wanna start catfight don't you? I have Catwoman as a backup!), The Joker яах аргагүй шилдэг хорон санаатан хэвээр үлдлээ!!! #WINNING!
За за ингээд хамгийн шилдэг Batman цуврал дуусчихлаа тэхээр одоо юу хийхүү? Юун юу хийхүү гэж комикийг нь уншцгаая. Би ер нь Batman-ий тухай юу ч мэдэхгүй л дээ. Walking Dead-с өөр комик ном амьдралдаа уншиж үзээгүй. Уг нь унший гэж дандаа боддог байсийн даанч залхуурсаар байгаад хэдэн жил ч өнгөрчив. Тэхээр одоо комикийг нь уншихад хамгийн тохиромжтой цаг тааржийн. Би дараах хувилбараас нь эхэлж уншихжийн.

Batman: Year One (1987) - Frank Miller-ийн хувилбар

Дараа нь Grant Morrison-ий бичсэн Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth уншиж Batman-ий хорон санаатнууд болох The Joker, Two-Face, Scarecrow нтртэй жинхэнэ тулж харьцнаа.

Энэ бол зөвхөн эхлэл тэгэхээр маскаа зүүгээд аян замдаа гарцгаая nerdүүдээ!

Nerd B

Ps: Улаан галзуу комикчингууд байвал зөвлөгөө өгч коммент үлдээгээрэй. Аль цуврал нь хамгийн гоё вэ, хаанаас эхэлж унших вэ, дуртай дугаар за за ер нь өөр юу ч байсан яахав блогнийхоо линкийг үлдээсэн ч болно  :)
Миний Pinterest рүү орж Batman-ий зургийн цомгийг сонирхоорой. Энд

Monday, September 3, 2012

Анхны Монгол хэл дээрх бичлэг. Зүгээр л баярлалаа гэж хэлэх гэсиймаа/ I just want to say THANK YOU!

За ингээд блогтоо анхныхаа монгол хэл дээрх бичлэгийг оруулж байна. Би ч лаг блогчин биш л дээ. Анх блог нээхдээ англи хэлээ сайжруулах гэж зөвхөн өөрөө өөртөө нээж байлаа. Өнөөдрийн байдлаар блог минь 1000 удаа нээгдсэн байна(View-нийхээ тоог хараад гэнэт баярлав). Тэгээд аягүй урам ороод цаашдаа сонирхолтой бичлэг эсвэл зүгээр л ''юмнууд" монгол, англи хэл дээр үргэлжлүүлэн оруулж байхаар шийдлээ. Миний блогоор зочилж байдагт эсвэл анх удаагаа зочилж байгаа nerd-нүүддээ МАШ ИХ БАЯРЛАЛАА.

Hey my lovely readers, today I just randomly opened my blog and discovered my blog viewed 1000th times. How exciting isn't it? My boring blog viewed 1000 times is big deal for me. I get very excited and decided to continue post stuff or my random "blabberness". I JUST WANT TO SAY HUGE THANK YOU my fellow nerds! 

Put your nerd glasses on,
Nerd B